Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Syllabus Changes

I'm noticing an interesting occurance about new media artists : Not all new media artists are "working" artists. Some of the new media videos/projects I've got bookmarked are one-off things; People do something good, post it, and thats it. They don't get gallery shows, or reviews in fancy magazines. Maybe its time to re-think the idea of what makes a professional artist?

Marks List of possible artists :

Playing For Change

I first found this group through this youtube video, which was realy cool.

I like their ideas that music can be this universal worldwide tie-in that connects all people, and I think their project is particularly well-suited to new media, and the internet is continuing to spread worldwide and reach a larger and larger audience. Some of their work is also borderline doccumentary, giving musical artists/cultures a way to get recorded and archived for the future.

Eepy Birds

I remember hearing about these guys back when it became a fad to put mentos in diet coke and watch the rather explosive reaction that followed. Actually, these guys WERE the fad - they pretty much started its most recent incarnation. Anyone who can take a bottle of coke and a candy and make cool performance art from it is cool. Period.

(View video here)


Their latest work has involved sticky notes, but I'm not sure they've really done much since. . .

Eepybird's Sticky Note Experiment from Eepybird on Vimeo.

From the creators of the Diet Coke and Mentos experiment, EepyBird show us how to have fun with sticky notes.

Mike Stimpson


Mike makes re-creations of famoust artwork (mostly photographs) in lego.

I like these two, since they represent a range of complicated to simple renderings.
I love the idea of high art being rendered in a childrens play medium.

3 artists - your interest to : jhall@massart.edu
-Start collecting info on chosen artists

-Artists Name
-URL with their work
-Why did I pick the artist?

-Check out steve wilsons link list (from class babel page) - Good place to get ideas

(Probably a work day)
Research includes citations
1)Web resources
2)Massart Databases

Feb 16
-Present your artist

1 comment:

Jen Hall said...

interesting observation about new media art. I would argue that there have always been artists who work outside the traditional venues in art. There have also always been artists working without interest in a professional practice. I think what is interesting is that now you can see more of these individuals as they can self-publish/self-promote on the internet. So the question you may want to ask is what makes the difference between an artist who just does a single artwork and someone who has a life-long commitment to making art?

I would suggest that you will find that the "professionals" have peer review articles, critical reviews, on-going shows, etc. So there will be a development of ideas from individual work to individual work, creating a larger (meta) discussion about the content they work with. So in this way, they make a contribution to the arts -- moving the content area forward.

This distinction is not trivial -- it is the difference between someone who gives a try in the arts and then someone who has/is building a career. For this project, we are looking at career artists. This is why I want you to make sure that you can find published critiques on your chosen artist. We will talk more in class today. Cheers!
