Monday, April 12, 2010

Process Question

How does process affect the final product?

Looking at the artists and their works above, how do you think process affects the final product? We chose a few really thought provoking artists to help get you thinking about the concept. You can find a lot of resources about the artists by accessing youtube or even wikipedia. A lot of times the actual process can be overlooked when it’s actually such an important component. We've included a few good links for the artists, too.

Kseniya Simonova:

George Vlosich III:

Glenn Feron:

(more of glenn's work can be seen on his portfolio at his website:

1 comment:

StarLite said...

It's harder than I thought to comment on everyone's project when there are groups. I feel like I am the "Repetition Lady" from Mission Hill.
Anyway, I think the process is more important on some projects, and the outcome is more important on other projects. When I have a commissioned portrait to get done, I think it is the outcome that matters most, because, to me, drawing comes so naturally and fast that I breeze through it, but the outcome is so important, because, if my client is not happy, I wont get paid and can't eat that week. When I am doing an expressive piece for school, the process is more important. This school seems more focused on the process. Ultimately, I want to make everyone else happy, so if they want to see the process, great, but if they just want the finished piece, well, that's cool, too. I think everything depends on the individual situation.